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Strong partners for VYC

How much was applied from the sprayer?

What costs do my organic areas generate and

how much was recorded by the scales?

Use your data beyond VYC.

Our partnerships with leading providers of machines and intelligent equipment as well as accounting and ERP systems ensure smooth data transfer so that data does not get lost.

Various interfaces to ERP, scales, syringes and intelligent components enable simple data management

Happy clients

The most successful winemakers trust in VYC

agrirouter is a partner of VYC
VYC is compatible with KC Wine 365
farmunited is a partner of VYC
farmunited is a partner of VYC
farmunited is a partner of VYC
farmunited is a partner of VYC
farmunited is a partner of VYC
farmunited is a partner of VYC
farmunited is a partner of VYC
farmunited is a partner of VYC
farmunited is a partner of VYC

VYC is compatible with the leading providers of software in the industry, especially in the areas of intelligent tools, ERP systems, machine connectivity, weighing technology and software specialized in viticulture, which manage further processes in the cellar or bottling and sales. If your application is not listed here, please contact us. Interfaces to external systems are possible.

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