In the vineyard

Everything in view
with VYC One
ab 6 €
pro ha und Jahr
Everything in view
with VYC One
Focus on the essentials: Your vineyards.
With VYC One, you have everything in view. The solution for winegrowers simplifies all processes in the field.
Easy to set up and easy to use.
Alle Flächen im Blick - auch in Echtzeit auf dem Feld.
Ihre digitale Schlagkartei ist das Herzstück aller Aufgaben im Betrieb.
Erstellen Sie Aufgaben mit einem Klick für den Alltag und legen sie direkt los. Den Rest übernimmt VYC für Sie.
Sparen Sie wertvolle Zeit - mit VYC Go wird die Dokumentation von Pflanzenschutz und DüV während der Aufgaben automatisiert. Die einfache Pflanzenschutz-Dokumentation ist bereits kostenfrei inkludiert.
Entdecke die Funktionen von VYC Go

Focus on the essentials: Your vineyards.
With VYC One, you have everything in view. The solution for winegrowers simplifies all processes in the field.
Easy to set up and easy to use.
Focus on the essentials: Your vineyards.
With VYC One, you have everything in view. The solution for winegrowers simplifies all processes in the field.
Easy to set up and easy to use.
Focus on the essentials: Your vineyards.
With VYC One, you have everything in view. The solution for winegrowers simplifies all processes in the field.
Easy to set up and easy to use.
Focus on the essentials: Your vineyards.
With VYC One, you have everything in view. The solution for winegrowers simplifies all processes in the field.
Easy to set up and easy to use.

for iOS, Android as well as the browser
Easy to use
available in multiple languages
Full cost control
Real-time collaboration
Reduced machine consumption
11,9 %
Less stress
18,8 %
Sustainability 11,9 %
Less processing effort thanks to optimized harvest quality
19,8 %
Less working hours
37,6 %